To Soul Yoga with Love, Christina Carroll

At Soul Yoga, we believe in the transformative power of yoga, and Christina Carroll embodies this belief as a radiant beam of warmth and love.

Side note for the Harry Potter folks reading this: Christina is the little ball of light that goes from the deluminator straight into Ron Weasley’s chest and leads him exactly where he needs to go. You’re welcome :)

In all seriousness, she really is a ball of light and energy. Her Groove class is like a self-love booster. The flows – deeply rooted in strength and breathwork – take on a magical quality as she guides you to that place of self-love. Christina’s guidance and cues spark a unique strength, whether you need a modification or a full extension — you’ll feel so proud of yourself.

With ease and truth, she seamlessly guides you into this mindset, using drishti to focus inward. A tool for strength, stability and calmness in her class, creating a transformative experience. 

With an expert talent for reading the room, she offers exactly what you need for your practice — even in a room full of diverse practitioners. There’s a certain palpability to her passion for teaching, it’s a style that mirrors her essence—filled with love and compassion.

A listener and empath, Christina understands the profound possibilities that yoga offers, and her warmth and transformative spirit will light up your yoga journey.

Her class is a sanctuary—a welcome, safe space to love yourself and your practice. Come, join us.

A Soulful Embrace.

Experience Christina’s soul power and dive into the world of:

Soulful Embrace: Connection & Joy from the Heart.

This 75-minute Friday Night Party Series, is suitable for all levels. Christina will guide your journey as we celebrate love and connection with a curated love-inspired playlist and theme.

Whether you arrive hand-in-hand with a loved one, share the night with a dear friend or choose to revel in the magic of self-love solo, Soulful Embrace calls you to explore the depths of your heart fostering a sense of unity and joy.

Join us for an evening of self-discovery and shared moments as we embark on a collective journey toward embracing the soulful essence of love.


Balance with Brandt Butze


Affinity Spaces