Affinity Spaces

At Soul Yoga, we believe in the transformative power of yoga. You know — the kind that goes beyond physical postures, the kind that touches the very soul of every individual. In staying true to who we are and what we stand for, we are thrilled to introduce a new series of classes that resonate with the heartbeat of our inclusive haven, where every body truly belongs.

Welcome to Affinity Spaces

Step into a space designed for celebration, strength, connectedness and vibrancy within our community. These classes are more than just yoga; they are a celebration of diversity, a coming together of hearts and minds in a supportive and exclusive environment. We invite you to experience the power of unity and empowerment as we embark on this journey together. But before just showing up (even though we are so grateful for everyone who has and also does show up for Soul Yoga) — please take a moment to read through this information. Showing up might mean something different to everyone reading this.

What are affinity spaces/groups and why do we need them?

In the realm of yoga, as in life, it's essential to acknowledge the varied experiences of different communities. Systemic oppression and biases often create divides, making it crucial to provide spaces where individuals who have felt marginalized can find solace and strength. Affinity groups serve as a sanctuary, shielding participants from the weight of 'othering' and microaggressions.

Although those who don't experience marginalization based on a particular part of their identity may not see it, systemic oppression and overt/unconscious biases often create division, disadvantaging those not part of dominant groups within various settings. Most Western yoga studios are owned and attended by cis, white, thin, able-bodied people who make up a dominant group.

Affinity Spaces create a boundary for those who need the space to feel sheltered from that real or perceived threat.

What happens in affinity spaces?

Enter the magic of felt experience—a profound connection that transcends words. It's about looking into someone's eyes and understanding their journey without uttering a single word. In our affinity spaces, authenticity reigns supreme. You can be yourself without the burden of curious onlookers or “saviors”. It's an automatic boost in trust, allowing you to practice yoga without the reminders of past negative experiences tied to your identity.

How do I know the affinity group is for me?

You might ask yourself:

  • Do I authentically share this identity or background, including lived experiences?

  • Have I felt unwelcome, unsafe, or unseen in a space similar to the one this affinity space is being held?

  • Is my presence adding to that shared sense of safety among those sharing this identity?
    Could my presence break that sense of safety?

What if I don't identify with the experience, but I care?

It may feel counterintuitive, but you can show care by not attending. Affinity spaces are not created to exclude. They are created to increase the sense of belonging for those not receiving the benefits of being part of a dominant group. Their work will be receiving the benefits of their practice in a safe space. Your work might be exploring any resistance to this you may feel and learning how you can hold space for these identity groups outside of affinity groups.

Soul Yoga is still a place to belong

In the spirit of Soul Yoga—where every individual is celebrated and supported—we invite you to join us in support of these groundbreaking Affinity Spaces. Whether that means joining us for a class or not joining us. Let's foster a community where everyone feels seen, heard and empowered. Because, after all, Soul Yoga was born from a need where every body was not only welcome, but embraced.

Kick off Affinity Space event in on February 16, 2024

Radiant Roots

Immerse yourself in this a 60-minute, all levels yoga flow exclusively crafted for our BIPOC community.

This class is a celebration of strength, connectedness, and vibrancy within our  BIPOC community.

Experience the power of coming together as we practice yoga in a supportive and exclusive space, fostering a sense of unity and empowerment.

Join us in cultivating radiant roots that ground us, connect us, and illuminate the unique brilliance within each member of the BIPOC family.

*Please note this is for BIPOC community members: Black, Indigenous, and people of color (non-European descent).


To Soul Yoga with Love, Christina Carroll


Meet Squad 7 Awake To My Soul Yoga Teacher Trainee: Andrea Garcia